Transform Your Life
I am an intuitive life coach who specializes in working with individuals and professionals who are ready to be empowered to make positive life changes. I believe everyone holds the power within themselves to create their most fulfilling and purpose-driven life. I will help you access your inner compass to guide you to your best life and your greatest potential.

Kelly Maureen James
Intuitive Life Coach & Teacher
I am a free-spirited, adventurous, passionate woman who loves learning, writing, and creative expression. I am married to my soul mate, Wes, and together we have three daughters: Brooke (age 29), Leila (15), and Bailey (11). Brooke and her husband, Michael, recently gave us the ultimate gift--our first grandchild, Iver (born in October of 2020)! We live just outside of Houston in The Woodlands, Texas, and spend our days exploring the world around us, immersed in creativity, and growing our businesses. My husband is also an entrepreneur, and we run our companies from our home! But life wasn't always so simple. In our first careers Wes was a deputy sheriff, and I was a teacher. Though rewarding, both were difficult industries to work in, and they often took a toll on us.
In 2018, I made a life-changing decision to resign from a successful thirteen-year career to design a life on my terms. I spent a year traveling, expanding my consciousness, and studying spirituality. I learned from some of the greatest spiritual teachers the world has to offer; and I began to heal wounds from a traumatic childhood (which included sexual abuse and abandonment) and a painful divorce from my previous marriage. I also learned to tackle a multitude of limiting beliefs that were holding me back. Though I was highly successful in my career as a teacher and instructional leader, I was still playing small in many ways. I always knew I had more to offer the world and felt that I was destined to do so on a bigger scale. Suddenly, as if by magic, the second I stopped living the life that was expected of me and began living the life that was true to my heart, big things started to happen.
Inspired by my journey into healing, my husband embarked upon his own journey to release the accumulated PTSD that resulted from a fifteen-year career in law enforcement; all while, simultaneously, creating his own business in the pursuit of financial freedom. Within a year, Wes took a leap of faith and resigned from his career to become a full-time entrepreneur.
As is a vital part of the process, we went through some challenging times for a while, but we held tight to our visions for ourselves and our family; and we learned that the universe really does have our backs! We were patient and compassionate with ourselves during this “learning curve” period, and before long, we hit our stride as entrepreneurs.
We are now thriving in ways we never could have imagined, and both of our companies strive to lead others into the same freedom that we’ve been blessed with. Wes’s company, The Powerhouse Fulfillment Center (www.pfc3pl.com), focuses on helping others achieve financial freedom through the creation of passive income.
My passion and higher purpose are to expand consciousness in the world through unity, healing, and creativity; and every choice I make is in service to that objective.
My mission is to guide clients to the part of themselves that is wise, creative, unburdened, and peaceful. It is from this power center that all things are possible. When we learn to access and connect to that part of ourselves, miracles happen!
Wes and I are finally living a life of abundance and purpose, and we feel grateful to be able to devote our lives to teaching others how to be conscious creators in their own lives.

My Education & Training
I specialize in working with clients in times of (or on the brink of) transition who are looking to totally transform their lives. Using cutting edge practices, I teach my clients how to identify their deepest desires for their lives and break down the barriers holding them back from creating the life of their dreams. I have a background in education. I hold a bachelor’s degree in Academic Studies, and having spent 15 successful years in the industry (as a teacher, academic specialist, mentor, and staff development instructor), I’m a teacher at my core. Therefore, my coaching style differs from that of other coaches. I believe that every person already has the internal guidance system to locate their true calling and create their best life. So rather than giving my clients advice, I teach them to access their own inner wisdom in order to solve problems and achieve their maximum potential.
As a lifelong learner, driven toward success, I continuously study my craft by traveling the world--seeking guidance and learning techniques from some of the greatest teachers and mentors in my industry. I have received life-coach training through the Martha Beck Institute. I am also a graduate of The Byron Katie School for The Work where I learned the most effective method for dissolving negative thinking patterns the world has ever seen. Additionally, I studied Deepak Chopra’s techniques for primordial sound meditation and perfect health (which encompasses mind, body, and spirit practices) at The Chopra Center in California.
Whether you are looking to heal emotional wounds, find direction, or unlock your truest potential, I am confident that my knowledge, training, and penchant for growth make me an exceptional choice to work with. Through my professionalism, integrity, and coaching style I strive to create an optimal environment for the self-growth and goal achievement my clients are seeking.

Thought-Based Approach
Are you ready to live your truth? Do you want to design your ideal life? Are you looking to unleash your creative potential? Do you want to transition from living a life of expectation into living a life of purpose? I use an array of tools and techniques to help you break through barriers in order to achieve optimal success in your job, relationships, and life.

Life Coaching
Direction & Problem Solving
Life throws many surprises at us, and while we cannot predict the outcome of any situation, we can take control of how we respond to certain situations. With my coaching sessions, you’ll learn about acceptance and how to exert your power of choice over whatever life may throw at you. This service is a favorite among many of my clients, as it is often one of the keys to creating a happier, healthier life. My job is to give you the tools and techniques to achieve a balanced and fulfilling lifestyle. After several sessions, you will become well-versed at handling issues whenever and wherever they arise.

Creativity Coaching
Unlock Your Creative Genius
Everyone harbors a creator within themselves, and creativity comes in many forms. Whether you are an artist, writer, performer, innovator, or engineer (to name just a few), you have a craft waiting to be fully expressed through your unique talents and skills. Magical things begin to happen when you are in alignment with your inner creative. My creativity coaching service will teach you techniques to tap into the part of yourself that yearns to create and guide you around building space in your life for creative expression.

Career Coaching
Job Advancement & Transition
I specialize in helping clients identify their optimal career, which in some cases means coaching through obstacles toward the achievement of a promotion, and in other cases means transitioning from one career path into another. If you feel dissatisfied by your current job (or your inability to secure a desired job), this service is for you. I will teach you how to use your intuition in order to gain clarity so that you can identify and then create your ideal job and accelerate your success. I will help guide and inspire you to achieve your professional goals. Get in touch today to start taking control of your career, instead of your career taking control of you.

Empowerment Coaching
Dissolve Limiting Beliefs
Using a technique called The Work (designed by Byron Katie), I will teach you how to identify unhealthy beliefs about yourself and the world around you. These beliefs often operate unconsciously and can create negative patterns and experiences in your life. Through Byron Katie's, "Ask four questions and turn it around" approach, dissolving limiting beliefs is both easy and highly effective in creating fast results. Doing The Work can move you from stuck to empowered in as little as one session.

relationship Coaching
Optimize Your Relationships
Are you looking for greater fulfillment in your personal relationships? I will help you thrive inside your current relationship, find the courage to leave a volatile relationship, grieve a lost love, or take a romance to the next level. I also work with singles who are looking to find a companion or form a deeper connection with someone; as well as singles who have a history of troubled relationships or who have difficulty knowing what they want in a relationship. I will help you to uncover the essence of what you want out of a partnership, guide you around painful issues, and create a safe cocoon as you face your fears and discover your true desires.

Dream Analysis
Decode the Meaning of Your Dreams
While we sleep our subconscious works to guide us, heal us, and solve problems. We receive many important messages through our dreams from both our subconscious minds and spirit guides; but it isn't always easy to understand the messages that come through our dreams since the subconscious mind and the conscious mind don't always speak the same language. In a dream analysis session, I will help you access the part of your mind that knows exactly how to decipher the messages you receive in order to give you a complete analysis of any nighttime dream you wish to explore.
Not sure where to start or have something else in mind? Let's talk!

Pricing & Packages

“Our life
is what our
thoughts make it”